Tips on handling bugs

There are some bugs in Windows which just seem to never get fixed. Probably because they are only detectable on slow systems, and it seems unlikely that anyone is testing Windows on a slow computer as a power user. .

Start Menu

App search lag

The Windows Start menu does not record what you type until its search box has loaded and acquired text-input focus. You may notice occasionally that you press the Windows key 🪟 and start typing, only to find that only the last few letters you typed have actually appeared. This is frustrating, especially if you have developed a muscle-memory sequence to launch specific apps. The amount of times I've launched random things because the first few letters were ignored...

can help load the Start menu faster, but this input-capture delay still remains.

App launch "nicknames"

Windows Start manu automatically generates "nicknames" for your apps based on what you type and which app/file you consequently launch. If you type "phot" and launch Photoshop a few times, "phot" will always raise Photoshop as the first choice.

This concept is tricky to explain, I need to practise explaining it a bit more.

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