What's this site for?
This website focusses on Windows and Web browsing. I will make separate websites for Android and Linux (and maybe macOS) later.
I suppose this is a kind of compendium of my personal refined choices of how I use a computer.
I really craft a computer to fit my needs, which greatly helps me with maintaining focus, completing my tasks and achieving my goals.
My main occupations are teaching English, linguistic projects, writing educational materials, graphic design, and scientific research.
A computer can be made to work for you, rather than you adapting to its apparent limitations. A computer is mainly artificial so there is little sense in simply learning to "accept things as they are". You can increase your productivity greatly — and I don't write this with only work in mind, but rather with anything and everything in mind. If you wish to be more creative, these tips & tricks will help you turn your computer from a hindrance into a dream. Or at least, my dream.
Well, it'll still be limited by its CPU, GPU & RAM specs, but it can probably be optimized much more than it is currently.
Last updated